Author: Home Decor Mom

How To Maintain Creativity In Motherhood

Being a mother is hard enough, but being a creative mother? That’s a whole other level of difficulty. As a creative mother, you not only have to worry about the usual things like getting your kids to school on time and making sure they eat their vegetables, but you also have to find time to be creative. It’s a balancing act that can be difficult to master, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips on how to balance creativity and motherhood.

The Top 5 Small-Space Living Solutions Every Mom Needs

If you’re a mom, chances are you don’t have a lot of extra space in your home. Between kids’ toys, clothes, and all the other things that come with being a parent, it can be tough to keep your living space clean and organized. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are the top five small-space living solutions every mom needs.

How To Create A Playroom Your Kids Will Love — Without Breaking The Bank

If you have young kids, chances are you’ve considered creating a dedicated playroom—somewhere where your little ones can let their imaginations run wild without destroying your living room in the process. But if you’re worried about the cost of outfitting an entire room with toys, furniture, and storage, never fear! With a little creativity and some thrifty shopping, it is possible to design a playroom that’s both fun and affordable. Here are some tips to get you started.